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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14

House Captains

At the start of the academic year, we use our British Value of Democracy to vote for the House Captains of our teams 'Diversity, Endeavour and Prosper'. Each team member across the school had a vote. We listened to the candidates' speeches then the younger children voted verbally whilst our older children had a written vote which they placed in the ballot boxes. All the votes were added up to get our two captains for each house team.

TEAM CAPTAINS 2024 - 2025

                                Toby and Annabelle

Here are their winning speeches:

Hi, my name is Toby,

I love being in the red team and this year we are going to win ‘house of the year’.

Red team is all about diversity and welcoming everyone. I am supportive, I showed at sports day with my loud and enthusiastic cheering.

I understand that everyone is different and that everyone has different strengths and things they find difficult. As I have dyslexia and ADHD, I know what it is like to find things hard and so I am ready to help and celebrate together.

Please vote for me as your house captain and let’s make this year the best yet!


Good afternoon everyone,

If you don’t know me, my name is Annabelle and I am in Mrs Nicholson’s class. I’m standing here today because I believe that I can be a great house captain for Diversity, the red team.

Our school values – hope, respect, friendship, forgiveness, love and service are more than just words to me, they are principles I live by every day.

As a leader, I will represent these values in everything that I do. If I become captain, I hope that when you become year 6’s, you will follow in my footsteps. I always try to be hopeful, even in difficult times, because I know there is potential in every one of us. I show respect by listening carefully and treating others the way I want to be treated, with kindness and understanding.

I believe that love is about supporting each other and celebrating what makes us unique. I’m always ready to serve and help whoever and wherever I’m needed. I also understand that no one is perfect – we all make mistakes which is why forgiveness is so important to me.

As a strong supporter of diversity, I will ensure that everyone in our team feels valued. I’m a good listener and I always strive to accept different opinions because I believe that is how we grow stronger as a team. If you are ever worried you can always come to me. I’m dedicated to building people’s confidence and happy because that brings me joy too.

If chosen as house captain, I will lead by example, helping each member of the red team so they feel supported, included and inspired to give their best. If I become captain, I will bring you all on a fun journey through the year.

Together I know we can achieve great things.

Thank you for listening, let’s make this year the best for Diversity team and I hope you will consider me for house captain.

                  Millie and Finley                   

Hello everybody, for those who do not know me, I am Millie and I am running for Endeavour Captain. Endeavour means aspiring and being the best person that we can be.

My friend describes me as kind, understanding, trustable, clever and respectful. As captain, I will make sure everyone is happy and having fun. I will also make sure that the outdoor equipment and the library is being used properly and that the rabbits are safe within our care.

As captain, I will also make sure that our six school values are being are being used well. Also, our school vision is to ‘Do everything in love’. As a school we have nailed that because we are all kind, amazing and clever people. Also, I will make sure that things are fair and equal for us all. I have written a poem:

E      is for equality and fairness

N     is for nothing can stop us from winning the house cup

D     is for diverse, this means that we respect each other’s differences

E      is for exciting terms to look forward to when we win

A     is for amazing is what we are

V     is for valuing our friends and teachers

O     is for our school is brilliant, let's build each other up

U     is for using your imagination - it never ends

R     is for being respectful


Hi, my name is Finley.

I am running for house captain because as blue team, Endeavour, we have hope for the future and inspire to be the best that we can be, trying new opportunities and supporting our friends along the way. I believe that I am good at all those things.

I would follow our six school values and help everyone in need, I believe I am kind, supportive and helpful. If you ever need some help, come to me and I will always be there for you.

Everyone can trust me and I hope that I can trust you. We are all one school with the saying ‘T.E.A.M – Together Everyone Achieves More’. So why don’t we make it the best year yet – Endeavour, we’ll always be there for you.

        Frankie and Rosie

Good afternoon students and teachers of Butterwick school. My name is Rosie. I am a Year 6 in the green house, Prosper, and I would love to be your captain as I am a great listener and I would be so proud to represent our house. I will give you my very best effort to make you happy. We have experienced victory, joy, happiness, failure and sadness but we kept going. I follow our school values of forgiveness, respect, love, friendship, hope and service. We help and love each other with the aim that things run smoothly within our school and we grow up to be amazing people – thank you for listening.


Hi, my name is Frankie,

I believe that I should be leader of the green team since I am very supportive and very kind. With my help, the Prosper team will become the best and win house of the year. I will everyone achieve their goals and dreams and also make sure that everyone has fun along the way.

Thank you for listening.