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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14

Keep Healthy

The school has achieved the National Healthy Schools standard.

This means that we:-

  • Promoting healthy and nutritious school meals
  • Increasing take up of free school meals and paid meals
  • Supporting locally sourced and seasonal ingredients
  • Improving the lunch time environment
  • Reducing health inequalities by supporting healthy lifestyles
  • Supporting health education through the Food for Life Partnership framework (

The school supports many healthy initiatives and activities.

In school we:-

  • Offer Key Stage 1 children receive a free piece of fruit each day
  • Provide free milk to children under 5 (as part of the Cool Milk Scheme)
  • Deliver a wide PSHE curriculum
  • Offer healthier food options, increased access to drinking water and breakfast clubs
  • Improve environments, play facilities and opportunities for physical activity
  • Support pupil behaviour, attitudes, confidence and concentration
  • Healthier pupil food choices, more physical activity
  • Improve pupil understanding of relationships
  • Improve staff awareness of health-related issues
  • Work hard to have a positive influence on levels of achievement, attendance and exclusion