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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14



At Butterwick CE Primary School, we are Musicians! We want to embed a love of music deep within our children which lasts a lifetime. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be music producers, songwriters, composers or rockstars! 

Our vision, at Butterwick, is to give children access to an engaging and fun music curriculum reflecting the world they live in now, but at the same time giving them access to musical styles throughout history. 

At Butterwick CE Primary School, children are able to listen and appraise a variety of musical styles alongside performing pieces and creating their own compositions through the use of instruments and technology. In Year 3 & 5, children have whole class peripatetic music lessons where they are learning to play an instrument.

The school has invested in the Charanga Scheme of Work to support the teaching and learning of music. The Charanga scheme ensures the progression of skills throughout each Key Stage.  

Our aim is to ensure that all children continue to grow in confidence as they progress through the musical curriculum and become passionate in their responses to music. Added to this, we want children to become more independent learners within this area, reflect upon their learning and develop resilience within the musical world. 

As a school, these are our aims: 

  • To encourage awareness, enjoyment and appreciation of music in all its forms. 
  • To develop imagination and creativity. 
  • To help children of all abilities develop positive attitudes and to experience success and satisfaction in music. 
  • To offer opportunities to sing, play instruments, compose, listen and appraise. 

Singing skills - A singing culture will be established and nurtured within the school. Weekly singing sessions are conducted with the whole school. 

Instrumental skills -  Children will be taught to sing a wide-ranging variety of songs and to use their voices expressively. They will have the opportunity to play both tuned and un-tuned instruments with increasing control during their time at Butterwick and will rehearse and perform with others, including performing in front of an audience. 

Composing skills -  Children will create musical patterns and will be shown how to explore, select and organise musical ideas, recording these in a variety of ways, (e.g.: pictorial score, by means of a digital recorder, tape recorder or video or using notation). 

Appraising skills -  Children will be given the opportunity to explore and explain their own ideas and feelings about music, using music, dance, expressive language and musical vocabulary. They will analyse and compare sounds and will become confident at suggesting improvements for their own work and that of others. 

Listening and applying knowledge and understanding-  Children will be given the opportunity to listen with concentration and to internalise and recall sounds with increasing aural memory. They will explore how time and place can influence the way music is created, performed and heard, that music is produced in different ways and is described through invented and standard notations. 


All children at Butterwick participate in regular weekly music lessons. Additional time may be put into the teaching of music when children learn and prepare songs to be performed during collective worship/whole school performances.  

  • The music coordinator monitors the coverage of music objectives and ensures that an appropriate number of objectives have been covered for the length of the term 
  • At Butterwick, we make use of the online musical resource Charanga for delivery of music across the school. 
  • Charanga planning is used by teachers to drive children’s development within music. Every year-group will build upon the learning from prior year groups therefore developing depth of understanding and progression of skills. This serves as a base to aid and enhance our teaching, but is not intended to be rigidly adhered to. Teachers should make professional judgements about when to adapt, miss out or add additional materials where this would benefit learning. 
  • Lessons provide opportunities for children to develop practical skills and progress by listening and appraising, singing, playing, composing, and performing. 
  • Lincolnshire Music Service are able to continue from the foundations built from the use of the Charanga scheme and fully cover National Curriculum objectives. 
  • We promote an enjoyment and foster interest of music through regular singing practice, and other enhancement opportunities such as Young Voices, Sing for Change, Boston’s Got Talent
  • Pupils experiencing difficulties will be given extra encouragement by working in a small group with the teacher/ support staff or with a more musically able child. 
  • Teachers assess the children’s attainment and progress using the Charanga assessment objective checklists. At the end of each term, teachers assess if a child is below, at or above ARE for that term based on the music objectives that have been taught. This informs future teaching and lesson planning. For classes taught by external providers, there is regular communication with staff to ensure assessment judgements are accurate. 
  • Pupils are given the opportunity to listen to a range of music through various in and out of school opportunities. We offer morning and after school clubs based on Dance and these cover a variety of music genres.
  • Performances take place within various school activities and are integral to the school ethos. Being a Christian School, we pride ourselves on the quality of our music curriculum as it contributes to the development of their spirituality. Children take part in performances at key points in the year where they sing, dance, mime to music, play instruments during these performances.
  • The SLT, music coordinator and class teachers lead regular whole school assemblies which include song learning and music appreciation. 
  • Charanga can be supplemented by the subject leaders and the teacher’s own input to match and compliment the creative curriculum which we have built around the Chris Quigley Scheme.


At Butterwick C of E Primary School the impact of this Music curriculum will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.

Those children with a particular interest or aptitude in music will be supported and encouraged – the school will encourage them to play and perform in assemblies, collective worship and share their achievements.

Children will therefore be expected to leave Butterwick reaching at least expectations of age for Music; being confident musicians.

Our Music curriculum will foster a love and increasing enthusiasm for the subject amongst our children and encourage a life- long musical study and/or enjoyment.