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Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

Butterwick Pinchbeck's Endowed Church of England Primary School

'Do everything in love' 1 Corinthians 16:14


Our pupil admission number for Butterwick Pinchbeck’s Endowed C of E Primary School is 45.

Children are admitted to this school in the September following their fourth birthday.    

The school will first meet its statutory duty to admit children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs.  In the event of the number of children wishing to come to the school exceeding the number of places the following oversubscription criteria will apply in the following stated order:-

1.      Children in Public Care.

2.      Children who have a sibling attending school.

3.      Children from Butterwick, Freiston, Benington and parts of Fishtoft, namely Hilldyke, Long Hedges, Willoughby Hills and Wythes             Lane 

4.      Children from Leverton.

5.      Children with at least one parent who is a confirmed member of the Church of England. 

6.      Distance from the child’s home address.  Those living nearest being the highest priority. 

Please find below the Admissions Policy.

The Governors operate in accordance with the agreed co-ordinated scheme which is available from the Local Authority.  Guidance on dates and timelines is provided to parents in “Going to School in Lincolnshire” and the relevant Guide for Parents and Carers.  

Click here for details of how to apply for a place at Butterwick Pinchbeck’s C of E Primary School.

Click here for Lincolnshire School Admission Guides